Jorge Gatica

+56 2 2928 2638

His practice is focused mainly on the assessment and litigation in intellectual and industrial property, especially on trademarks, patents and domain names.


  • ReSimple on the drafting of privacy policies and terms and conditions for its platforms and apps to manage its relationship with citizens and neighbors, as well as waste producing companies and waste managers.
  • A leading Swiss company in the food industry on the protection and defense of its intangible industrial property assets.
  • A major US footwear multinational on various opposition actions against trademark applications filed by third parties.
  • A well-known supermarket chain on the protection and defense of its intangible assets.
  • A prestigious Chilean university on a strategy to protect its intangible assets.


  • Teaching Assistant of Procedural Law, Universidad de Valparaíso (2017-2020).


  • Speaker at the Third National Competition of "Semilleros de Derecho Procesal", organized by Universidad Diego Portales (2018).


  • Law, Universidad de Valparaíso (Summa Cum Laude).
  • Best Student Awards in Procedural Law, Criminal Law and Civil Law, Universidad de Valparaíso (2018).
  • General Course on Intellectual Property, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (2020).
  • Course “Introduction to Patents”, National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) (2021).
  • Summer Course on Intellectual Property, organized by WIPO and INAPI Chile (2022).
  • Specialized Course on the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks (WIPO) (2022).


  • Chile (2021).


  • Spanish.
  • English.

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