Matías Vergara
+56 2 2928 2208
Partner of Carey and co-head of the Insurance and Reinsurance / Customs and International Trade / Government Procurement Groups. His practice focuses on the insurance and reinsurance industry, customs and international trade, government procurement, international transactions, mergers and acquisitions, regulatory matters, and commercial and corporate advisory services.
- MetLife Chile Seguros de Vida on its defense in two arbitration procedures initiated by an insurance broker and on its defense in an administrative procedure before the Financial Market Commission (CMF) and the National Consumer Service (SERNAC), related to the commercialization of certain health insurance policies.
- BNP Paribas Cardif on the negotiation of bancassurance alliances with several banks for the commercialization of insurance policies in the context of bidding processes.
- Coopeuch and Coopeuch Corredores on the negotiation of a three-year bancassurance alliance with an insurance company, as well as on the assignment of policies in the context of the acquisition of a loan portfolio from BCI and the termination of a bancassurance alliance.
- Liberty Seguros on the process of negotiation and collection from the policyholder and guarantor of 14 first demand guarantee insurance policies for USD14 million, becoming one of the largest guarantee claims in Chile.
- Coopeuch Corredores de Seguros, Marsh Limited, Carpenter Marsh Fac, Klare Corredores de Seguros on the compliance with the regulatory requirements before the Cmf, including self-assessments, administration changes and renewal of policies required by the regulations.
- AIG UK on a risk analysis and issuance of representation and guarantee policies (R&W) contracted by a local buyer, in the context of the acquisition of local entities.
- Everest, a US insurance and reinsurance entity with global presence, on the incorporation and authorization of its subsidiary in Chile before the CMF, start of operations in the country and regulatory advice.
- Klare Corredores de Seguros on the creation and development of commercial and strategic alliances with insurance companies and providers of technological products and services, including consultancies in Insurtech.
- Important foreign banks on a regulatory analysis of investment operations of local insurance companies, including financial investments such as derivatives, repos, among others.
- Several insurance companies on an analysis of the effects associated to the constitutional reform regarding the advance payment of pension life annuity policies, approved in 2021 in relation to the Covid 19 pandemic, as well as analysis of coverage of Covid 19.
- An airline on the largest inspection process carried out by the National Customs Service in relation to customs-free warehouses and its favorable resolution, as well as its entry into operations in Chile, including its registration and rehabilitation of its customs-free warehouse.
- A global food producer and distributor and direct sales company on claims against the National Customs Service for the application of charges and taxes on the importation of its products, application of rules of origin, FTAs and tariff classification, including the preparation of a judicial strategy and regulatory and customs advice.
- Several companies and marketplaces on analysis of the requirements for the importation and commercialization of products in Chile, as well as the application of tariff preferences under free trade agreements and the tariff classification of merchandise.
- Recognized in Insurance, Chambers Latin America.
- Recognized in Insurance, Legal 500.
- Recognized in Insurance and Reinsurance and Trade, Latin Lawyer 250.
- Recognized in Insurance, Best Lawyers.
- Recognized in Insurance Litigation, Leaders League.
- Recognized in Insurance, Top Ranked Legal.
- Winner in the Insurance Category, Leading Lawyers, Idealis (2015).
- Director of the Chilean section of the International Insurance Law Association, AIDA.
- Group Leader of the Insurance/Re-Insurance practice, World Services Group (WSG).
- Professor of Insurance Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (since 2017).
- International purchasing group intern, Heidelberg Cement, Germany (2009).
- Insurance brokers claims consultant, Waterloo Brokers, South Africa (2008-2007).
- In-house counsel, Rabobank Chile.
- Member of the Chilean Bar Association.
- Co-author of "The Insurance Agreement and Similar Agreements", Revista Chilena Derecho Seguros, 2016. AIDA Chile (2017).
- Co-author of "Possible Transpacific Partnership Implications for Chilean International Trade", Global Trade and Customs Journal (2016).
- Contributor to Benchmarking Public Procurement, Assessing Public Procurement Systems in 77 Economies, World Bank (2016).
- Contributor to Benchmarking Public Procurement, Pilot Report Assessing Public Procurement Systems in 10 Economies, World Bank (2015).
- Co-author of "Amendment to Self-Accusation Regulations in the Customs Ordinance", The Year in Review (2015).
- Co-author of The New Insurance Agreement Act. The Year in Review, ABA/Section of International Law. Latin America and the Caribbean (2014).
- Author of several articles of insurance law, corporate issues, energy, natural resources, labor law and other regulation matters, published in "Legal Development in Latin America" and "The Year in Review", American Bar Association.
- Law, Universidad de Chile.
- LL.M., University of Cape Town, South Africa.
- Degree on Non-Life and Life Insurance, Escuela de Seguros certified by the Chilean Insurance Regulator (Best student Award, 2011).
- Degree on New Tax and Customs Regulation, Universidad Finis Terrae (Best student Award, 2012).
- Chile (2007).
- Spanish.
- English.